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How to Go Paperless in Retail Stores

Going paperless can be good for the environment and retail businesses themselves. Find out how to go paperless in retail stores now!

Reducing paper usage or going paperless is one way to apply green retailing practices in retail stores. The Sustainability Consortium reports in their website, “In one recent survey 65% said they want to buy purpose-driven brands that advocate sustainability.” An increasing number of customers are selecting companies whose principles match their own. This means that retail stores should be striving to be more sustainable now more than ever, such as by going paperless. Of course, implementing the methods on how to go paperless is not an easy feat. It needs careful planning and consideration.


Is going paperless an effective strategy?

Going paperless can be an effective strategy for many organizations, especially retail stores. In one study, it was reported that a typical waste bin in a retail store contains around 60% of packaging materials. Paper products also make up about 50% of business waste. All of this paper waste can be reduced or eliminated altogether with the right methods.

Here are some benefits of going paperless in a retail store:

Cost Savings: Reduced need for paper, ink, toner, and maintenance of printers and copiers. This also means decreased expenses related to postage, envelopes, and delivery services. There is also less time spent on filing, organizing, and retrieving paper documents, leading to lower labor costs.

Environmental Impact: Decreased demand for paper reduces the pressure on forests and helps conserve trees. Going paperless conserves significant amounts of water, as paper production can be water-intensive. Of course, this also reduces the volume of paper waste, contributing to lower landfill usage and better waste management.

Efficiency: Digital documents can be instantly searched and retrieved using keywords, making information more readily accessible. Automated processes such as invoicing, approvals, and document routing also lead to faster and more accurate workflows.

Space Savings: Going paperless frees up office space previously used for storing paper files. These spaces can then be repurposed for more productive uses.

Security: Digital documents can be encrypted and access-controlled, enhancing data security. Retailers can also maintain detailed logs of document access and modifications, which improves transparency and accountability.

Collaboration: Digital documents can be easily shared with colleagues, clients, and partners. They can also be collaborated on in real-time, which improves teamwork across departments or groups in the retail store.

Compliance: Electronic document management systems can help with regulatory compliance by providing audit trails and easier access to records.


How to go paperless in a retail store?

Going paperless in retail stores can bring a lot of benefits, as mentioned above. From enhanced efficiency to lower costs to a positive environmental impact, going paperless can be effective. However, it’s best to remember that going paperless isn’t an overnight or immediate accomplishment. It can take some time, as it requires meticulous attention and careful planning on the retailer’s end.

Take a look at these tips and strategies to help your retail store transition to a paperless environment:

Digital receipts. According to a study, an estimated 250 million gallons of oil, 10 million trees, and 1 billion gallons of water are used in the creation of receipts in the United States alone. This makes digital receipts a much better alternative. Equip your POS systems to offer customers the option to receive receipts via email or text message instead of printed ones. Ensure the process is seamless, requiring minimal extra steps at checkout. If you have a mobile app for your store, integrate digital receipts within the app, allowing customers to access their purchase history easily.

Electronic shelf labels. Electronic shelf labels (ESL) are also a great starting point for how to go paperless in retail stores. Electronic shelf labels, such as the SOLUM ESL, replace paper price labels on shelves and table displays. They automate price and product information updates, eliminating countless paper tag replacements. These electronic labels also last up to five years, which makes them an environment-friendly solution and alternative. Equipped with other robust features, SOLUM labels can go beyond creating a paperless environment and streamline retail operations further.

Electronic inventory management. Implement modern inventory management software for your retail store. These systems can track stock levels in real time, generate reports, and automate reordering processes. You can also use barcode scanners or RFID tags for efficient stocktaking and inventory control. These technologies help reduce errors and streamline the inventory process.

Modern Point-of-Sale (POS) systems. Adopt POS systems that store data in the cloud. Cloud storage ensures data is accessible from anywhere and reduces the risk of data loss in retail stores. Tablets or mobile POS devices are also recommended for processing transactions. This not only saves space but also allows for a more flexible checkout process, such as line busting or mobile checkout stations.

Digital loyalty programs. Retail stores implement loyalty programs through loyalty and rewards apps or on their own. Customers can track their points and rewards digitally, reducing the need for physical paper cards. Integrate your loyalty program with mobile wallets such as Apple Wallet or Google Pay as well. This allows customers to easily access their loyalty cards and points.

In-store digital display and signage. As retailers, you can also invest in digital displays for in-store promotions and advertisements instead of paper posters and marketing materials. The right solutions can help you manage and display dynamic content, which can be easily updated and shown to shoppers. You can also provide tablets or interactive kiosks in-store to offer detailed product information, customer reviews, and demonstrations. This enhances the overall customer shopping experience.

Mobile payments and invoicing. Use accounting software for retail like QuickBooks, Xero, or FreshBooks to send electronic invoices to suppliers and customers. This not only saves paper but also speeds up the invoicing process. Encourage online payments via credit or debit cards, digital wallets (PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay), and direct bank transfers. Mobile payments at self-service checkouts are also recommended for retail stores. This reduces the need for paper checks and cash handling. This is an effective strategy for how to go paperless in retail.

Document management. Another way to go paperless is by taking advantage of cloud storage. Store documents in cloud storage solutions like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. These platforms offer secure, accessible, and organized document storage. You can also invest in a good scanner to digitize existing paper documents and store them electronically. Not only does this reduce paper usage, but it also reduces the need for physical storage space.

Sustainability practices. Promote the use of reusable shopping bags, offer discounts for customers who opt out of printed receipts, and use eco-friendly packaging materials. You can also take it further and develop and communicate a clear paperless policy to consumers and internal staff alike, explaining its environmental and efficiency benefits. Encourage employees to follow paperless practices and educate customers on the benefits.

Online staff training. Create and distribute training materials for your employees through e-learning platforms or internal company portals. This makes training accessible from anywhere and reduces the need to print multiple copies of manuals, instructions, training guides, and more.


You can also use e-signature tools like DocuSign, Adobe Sign, or HelloSign for signing contracts, policy acknowledgments, and other documents. This is a good method to implement when going paperless internally.

Going paperless can be effective. It might be challenging at first, but with these solutions and strategies, retail stores can start creating a paperless and sustainable environment. This will help improve customer satisfaction, boost the brand, enhance employee morale, and contribute to a better environmental impact.

Image by pch.vector on Freepik


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