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Seamless Power Module Integration: The SOLUM Way

Learn how to integrate SOLUM Power Modules into your existing systems. Our step-by-step guide helps you enhance EV charging efficiency and embrace renewable energy solutions.

Are you ready to revolutionize your power system? The SOLUM Group's innovative Power Module is changing the game for electric vehicle (EV) charging and renewable energy integration. Let's know more about how you can seamlessly incorporate this powerhouse into your existing setup.

Why Choose the SOLUM Power Module?

Why is the SOLUM Power Module turning heads in the industry? This EV power module boasts an impressive array of features that make it stand out from the competition:

  1. Ultra-high efficiency: With an efficiency rating of over 95%, the SOLUM Power Module ensures minimal energy loss during power conversion. This translates to lower operating costs and a reduced carbon footprint.
  2. Compact design: Space is often at a premium in charging stations and power installations. The SOLUM Power Module's compact form factor allows for easy integration into existing systems without requiring extensive modifications.
  3. Wide output voltage range: The adjustable output range of 150VDC to 1000VDC makes this module incredibly versatile. It can accommodate various EV models and charging standards, futureproofing your investment.
  4. CCS standard compatibility: By adhering to the Combined Charging System (CCS) standard, the SOLUM Power Module ensures broad compatibility with many EV models and charging infrastructures.
  5. Stackable design: The ability to connect up to 256 power modules in parallel provides unparalleled scalability. This feature allows you to start small and expand your charging capacity as demand grows.
  6. Remote monitoring capabilities: Keep tabs on your power module's performance from anywhere, receive instant alerts, and optimize your charging network with data-driven insights.
  7. Ultra-low standby power: With standby power consumption of less than 10W for the 30kW variant and 15W for the 50kW variant, these modules significantly reduce energy waste during idle periods.
  8. Complete protection and alarm functions: Built-in safeguards include input overvoltage protection, undervoltage warning, output overcurrent protection, and short circuit protection, ensuring the safety and longevity of your charging infrastructure.

These features make the SOLUM Power Module a top choice for various applications, from community charging stations to fleet terminals and everything in between.

Understanding the SOLUM Power Module Lineup

SOLUM offers a range of power modules to suit diverse needs:

  1. Air-cooled 30kW power module: Available in open- and closed-type enclosures, this variant is ideal for smaller installations or areas where water cooling isn't feasible.
  2. Water-cooled 50kW power module: Offered in a closed enclosure, this higher-powered variant is perfect for large-scale charging stations or applications requiring rapid charging capabilities.

Both variants share the core benefits of high efficiency, reliability, and digital control capabilities. The choice between them depends on your specific power requirements and cooling preferences.

Step-by-Step Integration Guide

Now that we've covered the basics, let's walk through the process of integrating the SOLUM Power Module into your existing system.


1. Assess Your Needs

Are you upgrading a public charging station, enhancing your workplace charging facilities, or integrating with a renewable energy setup? Understanding your specific requirements will guide your integration process.

Consider the following factors:

  • Required power output: Do you need the 30kW air-cooled module or the 50kW water-cooled variant?
  • Number of charging points: How many EVs do you need to charge simultaneously?
  • Space constraints: How much room do you have for the power modules?
  • Existing infrastructure: What power sources and cooling systems are already in place?
  • Future expansion plans: How might your needs grow in the coming years?


2. Plan Your Setup

With a clear understanding of your needs, it's time to map out your integration. Consider:

  • Power requirements: Ensure your electrical infrastructure can support the SOLUM Power Module's input requirements.
  • Available space: Plan the physical layout of your charging station, keeping in mind the module's dimensions and any required clearances for ventilation or maintenance access.
  • Cooling needs: If opting for the water-cooled 50kW module, design an appropriate cooling system.
  • Communication interfaces: Plan how the power module will connect to your existing control and monitoring systems.
  • Safety considerations: Ensure your setup complies with all relevant safety standards and regulations.


3. Prepare Your Infrastructure

Before bringing in the SOLUM Power Module, ensure your site is ready:

  • Upgrade electrical systems: If necessary, increase your power capacity to manage the additional load.
  • Install proper cooling systems: For water-cooled modules, set up an efficient cooling loop.
  • Set up network connectivity: Prepare the necessary wiring and remote monitoring equipment.
  • Implement safety measures: Install appropriate circuit breakers, emergency shut-off systems, and safety signage.


4. Install the Power Module

Here's where the magic happens! Follow these steps to install your SOLUM Power Module:

  • Mount the module securely: Use the appropriate mounting hardware and ensure proper ventilation.
  • Connect power input and output: Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper wiring and connections.
  • Set up communication lines: Use the RJ45 connector for easy setup and quick Tx/Rx confirmation.
  • Configure hardware IDs: If using multiple modules, set the hardware on/off switches for proper identification.

Pro tip: The SOLUM Power Module's fixed hardware IDs eliminate conflicts and errors from dynamic ID changes, streamlining management and monitoring.


5. Configure and Test

You're almost there! Now it's time to bring your integrated system to life:

  • Configure module settings: Set the desired output voltage range, protection parameters, and communication protocols.
  • Run initial tests: Verify proper function, including power output, efficiency, and safety features.
  • Fine-tune parameters: Adjust settings for optimal performance based on your specific use case.
  • Conduct compatibility testing: If applicable, assess the system with different EV models to ensure broad compatibility.


6. Monitor and Maintain

Congratulations! Your SOLUM Power Module is up and running. But the work doesn't stop here:

  • Use remote monitoring features: Take advantage of the module's built-in monitoring capabilities to keep an eye on performance metrics, power consumption, and system health.
  • Schedule regular maintenance checks: Implement a routine inspection and maintenance schedule to ensure long-term reliability.
  • Stay updated with firmware: Keep your modules up to date with the latest firmware releases from SOLUM to benefit from performance improvements and new features.
  • Analyze performance data: Use the insights gathered from your monitoring system to optimize charging schedules, identify potential issues, and improve overall efficiency.

Integrating with Renewable Energy Sources

The SOLUM Power Module isn't just for EV charging. Its advanced features make it an excellent choice for integration with renewable energy systems. Here's how you can leverage the power module to enhance your renewable energy setup:


1. Solar Power Integration:

  • Connect the SOLUM Power Module to your solar inverter system.
  • Use the module's wide input voltage range to accommodate fluctuations in solar power output.
  • Leverage the high efficiency to minimize losses when converting solar energy for EV charging.

2. Wind Power Integration:

  • Similar to solar integration, connect the power module to your wind turbine's power output.
  • Take advantage of the module's ability to oversee variable input voltages, common in wind power generation.

3. Energy Storage Systems:

  • Integrate the SOLUM Power Module with battery storage systems to create a more resilient and flexible charging infrastructure.
  • Use the module's intelligent power management features to optimize charging from stored renewable energy during peak demand or low generation periods.

4. Grid Stabilization:

  • Employ the power module's advanced control capabilities to help stabilize the local grid when integrating renewable sources.
  • Use load balancing and demand response features to adjust power delivery based on real-time grid conditions and renewable energy availability.


By incorporating the SOLUM Power Module into your renewable energy system, you'll boost efficiency and contribute to a more sustainable energy ecosystem.

Overcoming Integration Challenges

While integrating the SOLUM Power Module offers numerous benefits, you may encounter some challenges along the way. Here are some common issues and how to address them:


1. Legacy System Compatibility:

  • Challenge: Your existing charging infrastructure may use older communication protocols or control systems.
  • Solution: Utilize the SOLUM Power Module's flexible communication options and work with your IT team to develop appropriate interfaces or middleware.

2. Space Constraints:

  • Challenge: Limited space in existing charging stations can make it difficult to add new equipment.
  • Solution: Take advantage of the SOLUM Power Module's compact design and consider a phased replacement of older, less efficient chargers.

3. Cooling Requirements:

  • Challenge: Inadequate cooling can lead to reduced efficiency and potential system failures.
  • Solution: For air-cooled modules, ensure proper ventilation. Invest in a robust and efficient cooling system designed for your environment for water-cooled variants.

4. Power Grid Limitations:

  • Challenge: Your local power grid may struggle to support the additional load from new charging stations.
  • Solution: Implement smart charging strategies using the SOLUM Power Module's advanced control features to balance load and avoid peak demand periods.

5. User Training:

  • Challenge: Maintenance staff and operators may be unfamiliar with the innovative technology.
  • Solution: Provide comprehensive training on the SOLUM Power Module's operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting procedures.

Embrace the Future of Power

As we've explored, integrating the SOLUM Power Module into your existing systems offers a wealth of benefits:


  • Enhanced efficiency and reduced energy costs
  • Improved scalability and futureproofing of your charging infrastructure
  • Better compatibility with a wide range of EVs and charging standards
  • Seamless integration with renewable energy sources
  • Advanced monitoring and control capabilities for optimized operations


Whether you're powering a fleet of electric vehicles, upgrading public charging stations, or harnessing renewable energy, the SOLUM Power Module provides an innovative solution to meet your power needs.

Don't let outdated systems hold you back. By following this comprehensive guide, you can successfully integrate the SOLUM Power Module and join the power revolution. Embrace the future of efficient, reliable, and sustainable energy management with SOLUM Group's innovative technology.

Ready to take the next step? Contact SOLUM Group today to learn more about how their power modules can transform your energy infrastructure and propel you into the future of electric mobility and renewable energy.


SOLUM, a spin-off company of Samsung, has been developing cutting-edge technologies. With more than four decades of experience in the industry, the company continues to excel in manufacturing electronic shelf labels (ESLs), power modules, Internet-of-Things (IoT) products, display boards for TVs, tuners, and sensors. The company is the only ESL supplier with in-house manufacturing facilities. This allows SOLUM to shorten turnaround time while maintaining superior quality and maximizing cost competitiveness. SOLUM ensures innovation, top-of-the-line design, and efficient product development for all the company’s investors.

The SOLUM Group is dedicated to developing cutting-edge technology that promotes sustainability and energy efficiency. Our mission is to provide innovative solutions that help reduce environmental impact and support a cleaner, greener future.



Photo by Gustavo Fring via Pexels

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