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Statement on the Coronavirus situation
Statement on the Coronavirus situation
SOLUM is closely monitoring the evolution of the Coronavirus situation and will be taking all necessary and appropriate steps to responsibly address the issue in a proactive manner. SOLUM staff has been given guidelines and procedures for determining how to address the issue.
As to our clients and partners, SOLUM is permanently assessing the situation and monitoring any potential knock on effects to production and deliveries and will try to alleviate repercussions via alternative planning where necessary.

As Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread around the world, we are aware that it will significantly impact the way we conduct our day-to-day business. Nevertheless, we recommend everyone taking the following protective measures, to limit its effects on our daily lives. These are based on renowned sources like the WHO and the Robert-Koch-Institute:
• If you are feeling sick or have been in contact with someone showing symptoms of COVID-19, please avoid attending the workplace or meeting in-person until you are no longer contagious.
• Wash your hands on a regular basis.
• Air out rooms regularly.
• Avoid touching your face and cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.
• Meet virtually when possible by inviting guests and your fellow team members to conference calls instead of in-person meetings. Also consider working from home if possible.
• Avoid roaming between locations if not necessary. Postpone unnecessary travel within your home country or around the world.
Should you feel sick with symptoms like fever, coughing and/or difficulty of breathing, it is advised by the medical and local authorities to:
• Seek medical care early.
• Call in advance before visiting any medical facility.
• Take enough time off before returning to work.
Calling in advance will allow authorities to quickly direct you to the right health facility and to make sure any facility can prepare to help prevent the spread of viruses and other infections.
SOLUM´s commitment has always been to its partners and clients, and this time will be no different. SOLUM will continue to monitor the situation and make decisions that consider public health along with its goals. SOLUM is determined to do its part by supporting official actions that help to prevent the virus from spreading and harming those at risk.