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  Settore: Elettronica di consumo
  Paese: South Korea
  Anno di introduzione delle ESL: 2022


KTIS Co., Ltd. is Korea's No. 1 IT solutions and telecommunications service company, focusing on the operation of professional customer centers and distribution and sales of wired and wireless communication products. Its headquarters is located in Seoul, South Korea.



KTIS Co. was tasked to develop town board services for apartment residents. The project’s goal is to provide residents with news announcements, weather reports, and lifestyle commercials while waiting inside the elevator. To achieve a town board that stands out from other IT solution providers, KTIS Co. requires a digital interactive monitor display. Hence, they partnered with SOLUM.



Partnering with SOLUM proved to be successful for KTIS Co. With the two providers combined technology expertise, they managed to develop elevator town boards with real-time weather and news announcements, as well as entertaining commercials that reduce awkward silence for strangers using elevators at the same time. 


Additionally, the SOLUM monitor’s modern design offers a luxurious touch to the elevator spaces and enhances the riding experience.

“The town board business currently has 10 billion won in sales,” says Eunji Sim, Assistant Manager of KTIS Co. “which we hope to more than double next year.”


As of press time, KTIS Co. continues to provide Korean apartments with the high-quality town boards they developed with SOLUM.

Contatti stampa

SOLUM Marketing