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  Settore: Supermercati / ipermercati
  Paese: United Kingdom
  Anno di introduzione delle ESL: 2021


Scotmid Co-operative, more known as Scotmid Coop, is Scotland’s largest independent cooperative established in 1859. Scotmid Coop stores have been providing high-quality food and produce to Scottish communities across Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the North of England.



As an ever-growing food retail cooperative, Scotmid saw the need for a more efficient business solution to ensure that each of their stores can match the demands of their shoppers and the needs of their managers and employees.


Hence, the Scotmid Coop Team partnered with Herbert Retail Limited to integrate SOLUM Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) on their shelves. 



Initially, they started with a few stores as a trial but soon realized the numerous advantages of having a digitalized grocery store. This encouraged the Scotmid Coop Team to roll out ESL in their other stores until all outlets are installed with the digital labels.

“The number one benefit for us has been team morale,” shares Allan Robertson, Scotmid Coop’s Programme Manager for Innovation and Change. “The store teams absolutely love electronic shelf labels.”


The Scotmid Coop Team is very impressed with the Newton labels’ features, such as the 10-year battery life, programmable buttons, and overall physical design. The team also recognized opportunities for stock-out and expiry alerts in the future because of the labels’ LED and pick-by-light capability.


Scotmid Coop is excited to explore other ways SOLUM ESL can be utilized to better enhance all their store outlets’ business operations.

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SOLUM Marketing


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