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  Settore: Elettronica di consumo
  Paese: Spain
  Anno di introduzione delle ESL: 2021


Xiaomi and its partner, Balmore Atlantic, have partnered with SOLUM and ASTS to implement Newton labels across their stores in the Iberian region. Xiaomi has chosen SOLUM's ESL solutions and cloud management platform to enhance their business pricing processes and to help them achieve an omnichannel mobile store operation.




Xiaomi was looking for an ESL solution provider that could help them achieve an omnichannel concept across their mobile stores in Spain and Portugal – one that can make their pricing processes more efficient and can help their staff focus on more important tasks.


Another requirement is an ESL solution that can last for years so that Xiaomi can effectively reduce and completely eliminate its use of paper labels.



For Xiaomi and Balmore Atlantic, the digitization of their pricing processes with SOLUM electronic shelf labels has been a huge success. The sizes of the ESL perfectly fit the requirement of the store and vividly displays the specifications of every product – from flagship smartphones and laptops to chargers and backpacks.


The staff is now more empowered in their daily tasks, thanks to Aims Cloud. With Aims Cloud, all price updates for each and every product are managed and controlled in a single place by their marketing department, thus allowing the store personnel to have more time in providing assistance to their customers. 

Contatti stampa

SOLUM Marketing